To honor in accordance with the terms of subsidiary foundations and organizations in the Turkey.
To provide continuous training to employees and suppliers and encourage them to practice these principles.
In according with the principles determine the aims and targets and declare the advances every year.
In the light of these principles to apply OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System requirements constantly and work for develop.
To keep our principles active our aims and targets are;
• To record the whole accidents and near-miss cases and take essential precautions.
• To train and educate for use of welding equipment and take essential precautions regarding this issue.
• To perform in the scope of all our activities contingency planning and risk assessments systematical and to place it into the corporate culture.
• To infuse abstaining from hazards and risks as main duty into the employees and all related parties with the help of training.
• To infuse the responsibilities into the employees to prevent traumatization and impairment of health, to be compliance with regulations and the company commitments for continuous improvement.